“To equip the body of Christ
to shift into the new wine
skin. God is restoring power
back to the church.”
What We Believe!
“We have been given a mandate by Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth”
— Matthew 6:10
“Jesus Christ is the door to life!”
— John 14:6
“The God Head is demonstrated in three persons: The Father, The Son, & Holy Spirit.”
— John 16:5-10
“God wants to establish His people in all aspects of life, the ministry, and in the work place.”
— Rom. 13:1-7 Matt. 28:20 Gen 28:15; 45:7
“The household of God (the family of God, the church) is built on the foundation of the Apostles and the Prophets. Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone.”
— Eph. 2:19-20
“We are saved by grace through faith, and not by any works of our own.”
— Eph. 2:8